Safety Strategies that will help you overcome the fear of being Kidnapped


1*Don't  ever talk to anyone you don't  know.Even if they call you by your name or say your mum sent them to pick you  up,disapprove it completely.
Do not let them use your personal belongings,kidnappers will say anything to get to you or come closer and finally grab you.

2*Do not walk alone at night,try walking in a busy area or possibly with a friend.Do well to inform your parent or a friend where you are going as the case may be.If someone approaches you in a funny or malicious manner,turn around and run as fast as you can while screaming for help.Do anything to draw attention to yourselves so that the criminal will find it too risky to kidnap you

3* Put into action a little extra safety measures like Knowing where the local police stations,fire stations, and public phones areas.Endeavor to tell  people where you're going. Text them when you get there safe.Charge your phone always in order to keep in touch with your relatives and close ones.Change your route from time to time as the case may be .

4* You can install a tracking app that helps someone locate your phone from any distance.By allowing a trusted loved one track your phone gives you that extra feel of safety.By this way, they will always know where to find you.Most likely, the app will remain unused, or it'll only be used to find your phone if it's missing, or find you if you get missing.

5 *Endeavour to identify tricky and canny people. Stranger danger is an old fashioned school of thought.Most strangers pretend to be good people, and some strangers will even help you if you're in trouble or a mess.
However,below  are some ways that will help you  identify a tricky person:
They will never ask an adult for help except  kids.A safe stranger will ask another adult for help if they have a problem.
They will like  to give you something, or take you to where there is no crowd .
They want you to do something that doesn't feel safe.
They will want to isolate you from the crowd.
They don't want you to get permission from a parent  adult,or loved ones .
They will try inducing you to  saying "yes." or adhering to their plea.

6* You can start learning some self-defense moves. You can also  sign up for self-defense lessons online, or watch self defence tutorial videos online.From such lessons, you can know how to fight dirty like a lion . It may be comforting to know that if someone ever tried to kidnap you, there's that tendency that you can overpower them with your self defence skills and get lost from them . If a kidnapper grabs your  arm, yanking it off while twisting it. You can develop these skills after watching it online or can practice it with a friend.
If you're standing,try getting at the weak spot of the kidnapper.The weak spots are the eyes,throat and private parts.

*Grab the eyes or throat. If the attacker is a man, you can attack  his private parts too, and twist and pull it very hard. If by peradventure you're on the ground, kick the knees hard. If  you are a woman and they force a kiss, bite their lips or tongue and shake your head rapidly to do maximum damage.

*Make driving impossible while in motion. Try getting  in the way of the steering wheel, or grab the keys. Honk the horn and scream. If stuck in the back, make huge kicks to make driving harder. If you're going slowly, interfere with driving and try to crash the car. If you're in the trunk, kick out the tail lights and wave a hand out, or destroy the wires so that the police may pull the car over due to broken lights.

*Improvise or invent weapons. Use objects like  a key,screw drivers,hammer as a weapon, and stab the criminal eyes.


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